
Refurbishment of a borehole at Omuhaturua Primary School

Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic

Provision of an ambulance

Goats for the San Bushmen

Upgrading of the Omuhaturua Catherine Bullen Hostel

Upgrading the Eiseb Primary School Hostel

New toilets and dormitory at Omuhaturua Catherine Bullen Hostel

Provision of a borehole for Donkerbos Primary School and Hostel

Conversion of a borehole to solar at Omuhaturua Primary School

Provision of a 4x4 ambulance for Otjimanangombie Primary Healthcare Clinic

Multi-purpose hall for Omuhaturua Primary School and Hostel, Otjimanangombe

School Uniforms for Eiseb Primary School

Provision of 120 mattresses for Donkerbos Primary School Hostel

Irrigation System for Eiseb Primary School and Hostel

School Uniforms for Donkerbos Primary School and Hostel

Refurbishing an ambulance for the Catherine Bullen Primary Healthcare Clinic

Namibia map

The Foundation's and the former Memorial Fund's projects are located in the Omaheke Region, north east of the regional capital, Gobabis. Oshivelo in the north, where Catherine died is the site of a new clinic provided by the Namibian government which was opened in July 2014 and named 'The Catherine Bullen Primary Healthcare Clinic'.

Refurbishment of a borehole at Omuhaturua Primary School

After Catherine's tragic death, approximately £6,000 was donated by family, friends and colleagues in her memory. In her travelog, she had referred to the Earth summit being held in Johannesburg and its theme of fresh water and later her excitement of being in Namibia. It was decided to combine these two themes and support a water project in Namibia.

The Omuhaturua Primary School is situated in Otjimanangombe village in the Omaheke Region in eastern Namibia. The community built the school and its hostel with the assistance of foreign donors in the middle of 1999 to serve the communities of Otjimanangombe, Otjimati, Ovinjuru, Omburo, Okatuuo, Ovituua, Otumbonde, Ombuyasoromana,Otwapehi and Omupanda villages. The school opened its door during 2000 and had an initial enrolment of 143 pupils with six teachers lead by Mr Kavari the school principal. As at October 2015, the school now has 240 pupils and eight teachers. The school is administered by a School Board elected by the community. Some members of the community contribute whatever they can to sustain the hostel which accommodates seventy-five boys and seventy-five girls.

The residents of Otjimanangombe and Omuhaturua Primary School and hostel relied heavily on one borehole for their daily supply of fresh water. The water consumption had increased in the village, resulting in a shortage of water for the school and hostel. With this one borehole being unable to cope with demand, it was not uncommon for the school and hostel to find themselves without water for up to two days at a time. This had become a big problem especially for the hostel and had resulted in a major health hazard for the children.

The school gained permission from the village to refurbish an un-equipped borehole nearby. Unfortunately, they did not have the funds to do this and asked the Komeho Namibia Development Agency to source funding. The British High Commission in Windhoek made contact with The Catherine Bullen Memorial Fund who provided the majority of the funding. Not only would the borehole supply fresh water but would enable the hostel to irrigate a vegetable garden to provide nutritional supplements for their meals.

On 21 April 2004, a commissioning ceremony was held to mark the completion of the project attended by the British Vice Consul, representatives from Komeho and local community officials who made the following comments

"In death, Catherine has given life to the marginalised children of this community, because we believe water is life" - Mrs Nelago Kasuto, Komeho

"Through this generous donation, the British people have fulfilled a very special social responsibility. There will be no more water shortage. No more death, no more illness and no more hunger due to shortage of water" - Namibian Official.

'Catherine' spirit will always be with us. In her memory, today we announce that the school hostel is to be renamed The Omuhaturua Catherine Bullen Hostel' - Mr Steve Kavari, School Principal.

Omuhaturua School borehole commissioning 2004

The commissioning of the refurbished borehole in April 2004, with Mrs Nelago Kasuto (centre)
and Mr Steve Kavari, the school principal (right).

Omuhaturua borehole plaque

This plaque commemorated the project.

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Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic and nurses accommodation

Imagine that your nearest doctor's surgery is 80 kms away and that if you are injured, ill or about to give birth and your only means of getting there is in the back of a pick-up truck, by donkey cart or to walk. These were the conditions that Linda and Roger Bullen found when they visited the village of Otjimanangombe in October 2005, and the local community voiced vociferously their need for a clinic.

In the previous July, the then Memorial Fund had become a registered charity, and with a band of volunteers, it set about raising funds to provide a medical clinic costing £100,000. With the support of the Mersea Island community, friends, family and those sympathetic to the charity's aims, the Fund had raised £20,000 by June 2007, when they received a massive boost with a grant of £80,000 from the Rooney Foundation administered by the Kent Community Foundation. With the project now fully funded, we were able to proceed and Komeho were asked to start making plans to commence building. Tenders for construction were placed in the Namibian newspapers on 4 October 2007.

Roger and Linda were in Namibia to witness the first bricks laid on Sunday 28 October 2007. In his speech at the time, Roger stated "this is Catherine's legacy to you and the people of Namibia. Catherine's ambition was to be a doctor serving and saving lives of ordinary people, sadly this was not to be, but the clinic will save lives in her name."

Otjimanangombe Clinic - brick laying ceremony

Linda Bullen undertaking a token brick laying ceremony.

In early July 2008, Linda and Roger returned to Namibia to open the clinic at Otjimanangombe. On their arrival in Windhoek, they were accompanied by the deputy British High Commissioner and Komeho representatives to meet the First Lady, Penehupifo Pohamba, the wife of President Hifikepunye Pohamba and Dr Richard Kamwi, Minister of Health. Linda and Roger had previously met the First Lady in London in June 2007, so she was fully aware of the circumstances surrounding their visit. She expressed her thanks on behalf of the Namibian people for the provision of the clinic. Dr Kamwi then made a statement which took the meeting by surprise by announcing that provision was to be made in the 2009 budget to build a large new Health Centre staffed by a doctor and five nurses at Oshivelo to replace the small outdated and ill equipped clinic where Catherine died. The Health Centre would be named after Catherine.

On 4 July 2008, having spent the previous night at Gobabis, Linda and Roger made their way to Otjimanangombe, a two and a half hour drive into the bush accompanied by Komeho representatives and a coach carrying teachers and students from the International School in Paris who had expressed an interest to attend. Dressed in bright yellow traditional costumes, especially made by the wife of the locally based Komeho representative with the charity's sunflower motive emblazoned on the front, Linda and Roger were transported to the clinic compound on a cart pulled by two donkeys and escorted by a guard of honour of three horsemen, women from the village dressed in Hereo traditional costume, village elders in military uniform and school children with welcoming placards. On entering the compound the couple were introduced to attending dignitaries including Dr Kamwi, the Minister of Health, Laura Mcleod-Katjirua, Governor of the Omaheke region as well as central and regional government ministers, local councillors, school headmasters and traditional leaders. At the ceremony, various speakers spoke of the urgent needs that the clinic would fulfil and thanked the Catherine Bullen Memorial Fund for its commitment. In his speech, Roger stated, 'this is a very emotional occasion for us. Catherine's ambition was to be a doctor serving the community and saving lives, but sadly this was not to be, but the clinic will save lives in her name'. He concluded in acknowledging the role of the Rooney Foundation whose involvement meant that the construction could be brought forward.

Prior to his speech, Dr Kamwi asked for a minutes silence in memory of Catherine. His speech was followed by the official handover of the clinic to the Namibian Ministry of Health symbolised by the cutting of a ribbon and the unveiling of two plaques to commemorate the occasion. A tour of the facilities, the planting of trees and a buffet lunch completed the day's events.

The clinic has provided employment for two nurses, a cleaner, and a security guard. Also there are two community health workers, one who focuses on prevention and counselling on HIV/Aids and the other on TB with regards to testing and patient follow up.

Otjimanangombe Clinic - Consulting Room Otjimanangombe Clinic - Delivery Suite

Left: The clinic consulting room. Right: The delivery suite

Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic

Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic Post 8 with part of the village in the background.

In 2015, it was announced that the Global Fund in conjunction with the Ministry of Health would extend the clinic that the Foundation built and opened on 4 July 2008. Work commenced during the latter part of 2017, and the clinic was handed over to the Ministry of Health on 8 August 2018. The new extension includes additional consulting rooms, a new delivery suite and dedicated rooms for HIV testing and treatment and for TB patients. Also included are a new reception area, security office, new public toilets and two extra accommodation units for the nursing staff. The end result is very impressive and if the original clinic has not been built then none of this would have taken place.

Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic Extension 2018

The front of the extended clinic with the original clinic in the background

Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic TB treatment

This part of the building is for diagnosing and treating TB patients

The clinic has made a profound difference to the lives of the people of Otjimanangombe and the surrounding area. Below are quotes from the staff:

"Otjimanangombe Clinic has brought a significant change to the lives of many in this area. Most people in this area now have access to health care services, such as maternal and child health services and treatment for chronic illness. Previously, people had to travel more than 80 kms to the nearest clinic". Grace Marata, Registered Nurse.

"Since the clinic was built in 2008, I have been able to have a job as a cleaner. Before that I was at home". Gertrude Kavaka, cleaner.

"The clinic has improved the health and quality of life of the population in the Otjimanangombe area, through community empowerment in the reduction of TB and TB/HIV transmission, morbidity and mortality". Kahure, COHENA TB field worker.

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Provision of an ambulance

During the opening of the clinic, the Memorial Fund was made aware of a chronic shortage of ambulances in the Omaheke with an area the size of Wales being served by only three ambulances supplemented by 4x4 pick-ups. With further fundraising a sufficient amount was raised to provide a fourth ambulance and this was handed over on 30 October 2008 to the Namibian Deputy Minister of Health, Madame Petrina Haingura in the capital Windhoek. The ambulance is currently based at the clinic at Epukiro in the Omaheke region and serves the outlying clinics including the one at Otjimanangombe. The completion of the clinic and the provision of the ambulance represented a physical memorial to Catherine and with this in mind the Catherine Bullen Memorial Fund became known as the Catherine Bullen Foundation on 8 November 2008.

Ambulance at Windhoek after handover Ambulance picking up patients

Left: The ambulance at Windhoek after the handover. Right: At Otjimanangombe clinic picking up patients.

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Goats for the San Bushmen

The San are the indigenous people of the southern African region who have inhabited the land for around 27,000 years. They were the original hunter/gatherers of southern Africa. With the enclosure and fencing of their original habitat they have become a dispossessed people and are widely recognised as the most impoverished disempowered and stigmatised ethnic group in southern Africa.

In October 2008, a visit was made to a San settlement at Voormansput, near the clinic to ask them how the Foundation could improve their quality of life. One of their requests was the provision of goats. Resulting from this, the Foundation launched its "Gift a Goat" Appeal. A donation of £35 would buy a goat and in partnership with Komeho, our ngo partner in Namibia we have donated 82 goats to San families. In 2013, Namibia suffered a drought and Komeho could no longer supply the logistics to support the goats, and therefore this project was brought to a close.

Goats donated to San bushmen

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The upgrading of the Omuhaturua Catherine Bullen Hostel

Omuhaturua Catherine Bullen Hostel in 2009

The hostel in 2009 with the girls dormitory on the left and the boys on the right.

The hostel has been in use since 2000, and although structurally sound, it badly needed redecorating and re-equipping. A major part of the upgrade was the provision of a kitchen and covered dining area.

The project was split into two phases:

Phase One consisted of internal and external decorating, provision of new bunk beds, provision of metal trunks for personal items and floor tiling.

Phase Two was the construction of the kitchen and covered dining area.

Phase One - Following the attendance of students and teachers of the International School of Paris at the opening ceremony in July 2008 of the Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic, the school decided to adopt Omuhaturua Primary School and hostel as the focus for their projects in Namibia for the next three years. Trustees Linda and Roger Bullen travelled to Paris in May 2009 to give presentations to the junior and senior schools on the Foundation's work. Nathalie Pierre, co-ordinating teacher commented 'your visit has had a huge impact on our students. They are so motivated to support your cause. I admire all the work and energy you have, and look forward to helping you make a difference.' Students from the school returned to Otjimanangombe in July 2009 and re-decorated the hostel and provided new bunk beds and mattresses for the boarders.

Omuhaturua Hostel dormitory

New bunk beds and mattresses in the re-decorated hostel dormitory.

Linda and Roger visited Paris again in December 2009 to give further presentations and to be updated on the schools plans to send another party of students to Omuhaturua Primary School in April 2010 to complete the internal decoration of the hostel and to refurbish a number of classrooms. They made their final visit in 2011 to establish a small library at the school.

Phase Two - This was the construction of a kitchen and covered seated area. Prior to the provision of this facility, the boarders received three meals a day which consisted of maize porridge supplied under the Ministry of Education's School Feeding Programme. This was sometimes supplemented by meat from the village and vegetables from the hostel garden. The meals were cooked on an open fire in large pots housed under an open sided shelter. As well as being open to the elements, domestic animals wandered around the pots. The smoke from the fires was also causing respiratory problems.

Midday meal at the hostel Midday meal at the hostel

Left: Midday meal being served consisting of maize porridge and meat stock.
Right: Pupils eating their meal in any convenient place they can find to sit.

At meal times the children were served their porridge from the pots into a bowl. They then consumed their meal squatting on the ground under any shade they could find. Afterwards, each pupil washed their bowl in a communal tin bath. This was a very unhealthy situation and did not lend itself to teaching pupils food hygiene and social skills.

The kitchen was constructed using sandbags infilling a wooden framework. This was an environmentally friendly method as it used readily available sand in the dry riverbeds near the village. Women from the village were paid to fill the bags which were then tightly packed in the framework. The whole construction was then lined with chicken wire and a concrete screed was applied inside and out.

Village women filling sandbags Constructing wall with sandbags

Left: Women from the village filling the sandbags.
Right: Sandbags being tightly packed into the wooden framework.

Framework ready for screed.

Infilled framework ready for screeding.

Screeding complete

Screeding completed and the roof is on.

Kitchen completed

The completed kitchen.

Gas ranges

The gas ranges for cooking.

The Kitchen interior

The kitchen interior.

Seating area

The covered seating area.

The outcomes of this project were:

(a) Gas cooking ranges that replaced the previous outside fires providing a much cleaner and hygienic way of cooking and which also stopped the risk of smoke inhalation which caused respiratory problems.
(b) On completion of the kitchen the headmaster received a subsidy on a per pupil basis which allows him to purchase food and vegetables to give a more balanced and nutritional diet resulting in healthy children. This has replaced the three daily subsistence meals of maize porridge. It is well known that well nourished children are more receptive in the learning environment.
(c) The employment of a trained cook who not only provides the meals but teaches the children basic food hygiene.

This facility was opened on October 2011, one of the teachers commented that 'the smiles on the children's faces says it all.'

"I worked for 21 years for a catering company at airport in Windhoek, before becoming the cook at the hostel. I was very pleased to take up the position which has allowed me to provide a nutritional and varied diet, which would not have been possible before the kitchen was built. Something like this makes a great difference in a rural area. It has meant that we can now cook in an hygienic environment." Reuben, Hostel Kitchen cook.

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The Upgrading of the Eiseb Primary School Hostel

Eiseb was originally a San bushman settlement and after Namibian independence in 1990 the government encouraged Hereo cattle farmers to return from exile in Botswana and settle there. It is situated in the bush towards the Botswana border, 416 kms north east of Gobabis, the regional capital and is served by a gravel road for the majority of the distance. Facilities are sparse but as well as the school and hostel there is a medical clinic staffed by one nurse.

As with the majority of primary schools in the Omaheke, the Eiseb Primary School Hostel was constructed by the community a number of years ago. For sometime, they have been unable to sustain it. The Regional Ministry of Education have committed to provide a subsidy on a per pupil basis to assist with running costs but insufficient to finance capital projects.

Trustees from the Catherine Bullen Foundation visited the school and hostel in 2012 and witnessed severe overcrowding in both the girl's and boy's dormitories. There were no showers and a limited number of pit latrines. The situation has since been exacerbated by the increased school attendance due to the government making primary education free from January 2013.

The Trustees also saw the lack of facilities for the preparation, cooking and the consumption of meals. Food was being cooked in pots on open fires with the children consuming their meals sitting on the ground which was far from hygienic.

After discussions with the school and hostel board, the following project was agreed.

Phase 1
The construction of a 40 bed dormitory to alleviate overcrowding which would include toilets and showers.

Phase 2
The construction of a kitchen for the preparation and cooking of food and a secure covered area with tables and chairs for the consumption of meals

Phase 1 - The construction of a third dormitory including toilets and showers.

Eiseb dormitory overcrowding

This photo shows the chronic overcrowding in the girl's dormitory.

Construction commenced in mid-February 2014 and was scheduled to complete by end of March 2014 excluding the provision of services. On 4 March 2014, together with representatives of the Ministry of Works from Gobabis, trustees from the Catherine Bullen Foundation visited Eiseb Hostel to inspect the progress on the construction of the dormitory which was well on the way to completion. On 25 March 2014, the Foundation Trustees again visited Eiseb to inspect its dormitory which was finished except for the final connection to Nambian German Special Initiative's septic tank and the provision of water.

The provision of water was undertaken by Komeho Namibia Development Agency, the Foundation's ngo partner in Namibia who arranged for quotations to be obtained and a contractor appointed to connect to the borehole and erect a stand for the tank. To keep the costs down, the community dug the trench for the pipe from the borehole to the water tank stand which was approx 150 metres in length. The installation was completed in June and was inspected by the Foundation Trustees in July 2014. Bunk beds and mattresses were then provided by the Namibian German Special Initiative. The dormitory was officially opened 14 October 2015.

Shower and wash area Toilet Interior view

Left: shower and wash area. Centre: toilet. Right: interior view. Below: external view.

Eiseb external view

The completed dormitory opened in October 2015.

Phase 2

The construction of a kitchen for the preparation and cooking of food and a secure covered area with tables and chairs for the consumption of meals.

The need for kitchen and covered dining area was highlighted to the Foundation Trustees by the villagers during a visit in March 2011, when they witnessed the unhygienic conditions that the hostel workers and children were experiencing during the preparation and consumption of food. The main construction is a sectional steel portal building providing the covered area. At one end, there is a brick built kitchen and a secure store for the gas cylinders. There is currently no mains electricity supply, but the building is equipped with lights and sockets as a supply is scheduled for the latter part of 2017. Water is supplied from a communal borehole and sewage is piped into a septic tank constructed by the Namibian German Special Initiative. Construction commenced in October 2015 and by the end of the year the framework for the steel structure was in place. During January 2016, the roof was completed and when Linda and Roger went to inspect the building in April 2016, they found the kitchen was beginning to take shape.

Framework in place.

December 2015 steel framework in place.

Roofng complete

January 2016 Roofing complete.

April 2016. April 2016.

By April 2016 the building was progressing well both internally and externally.

Kitchen. Kitchen.

Internal view of the finished kitchen with the gas range at the far end.

On 26 October 2016, the kitchen and dining area was formally opened by Linda and Roger in a joint opening with the Namibia German Special Initiative Programme (NGSIP). For its part, the NGSIP built and equipped two 16 bed hostels for boys and girls, provided a toilet block and renovated two existing 40 bed dormitories adding bathrooms and showers. The opening ceremony was also attended by Mr Pijoo Nganate, special adviser to the Governor of the Omaheke Region, Mr Victor MKgone, Deputy Director of Education for the Omaheke Region, Her Excellency, The British High Commissioner, Mrs Jo Lomas, Mr Ned Sibeye, Deputy Chief, National Development Advice, National Planning Commission, Dr Namu Musulwe and representatives of the NGSIP. Dr Musulwe spoke of the long period of co-operation between the NGSIP and the Foundation, while Mr Sibyea emphasised the need to encourage publication/private partnerships on projects such as this. In her speech, Her Excellency Mrs Jo Lomas expressed her excitement about this joint initiative saying 'that educational standards needed to improve if increased economic growth is to be realised in Namibia. However, there are great challenges to doing that, and coming to Eiseb highlights the difficulties of catering for children in remote areas. The facilities here today, are a small contribution to that challenge in having decent surroundings, nutrition, hygiene and care essential to helping children learn. Speaking on behalf of the Catherine Bullen Foundation, Roger said 'the new kitchen and dining area will provide a hygienic and safe environment for the preparation and consumption of meals. It will also mean that the staff will no longer have to work with open fires which are the cause of respiratory problems due to the inhalation of smoke'. He urged the pupils and community to ensure that the buildings are kept in good condition as they will be visiting every six months to carry out an inspection and hoped that everything would be working and in place.

Eiseb kitchen opening

Mr Ned Sibeya from the Office of the President after cutting the ribbon to open the kitchen with Linda and Roger. On the right is Dr Namu Musulwe of NGSIP.

Eiseb dining area

The kitchen is at the far end with the rest of the building accommodating the covered dining area to cater for 300 children.

Some of the children had been asked to write a small piece on the history of the school and hostel which are featured below.

Eiseb Primary School was established in 1997. The former Aminius Regional Councillor Honourable Erwin Uangula was the first principal of the school. During his period there was no hostel. Learners were walking from their homes to the school.

Fortune Andrias, Grade 5B

In the year 1998, Mr GT Tjizoo became the principal after Mr E. Uangula returned to Aminius. There were only 6 teachers and 258 learners enrolled and 2 hostel blocks with 2 rooms were built. These remained un-used up to 2007 because of lack of hostel materials.

Nguseta Korupanda, Grade 7

In 2007, Mr A.J. Hange was appointed principal and he came with an idea of opening the hostel for learners. During his period he requested matresses, cooking pots and other necessary equipments and materials.

Barnabas Katjiteo, Grade 7A

It was so hard for the learners. The requested beds and mattresses were not enough for the learners. We were feeling so bad. Some of the learners were sleeping right on the floor even in the winter time. Our hostel workers were cooking in the open air using fire. Fire wood was the source of energy for cooking and was fetched from far with a donkey cart. For bathing, learners were using buckets. It was so very harsh. We were over crowded in those two rooms.

Kopekuma Hange, Grade 7

Today we achieved a lot of developments through Catherine Bullen Foundation and other Foundations. Although there are still some pressing needs we are so very happy and we are feeling so glad for what we got. We have new beds and mattresses, flushing toilets, modern bathrooms and new dormitories. A well equipped kitchen. Our workers are no more cooking outside using fire. We are using gas stoves.

Vehupa Hengari, Grade 6A

Thank you Catherine Bullen Foundation for the development that you brought to our hostel. We are so very happy, we will not forget you and we will look forward for other developments that you will bring to our hostel in future. Thank you very much.

Frans Isaak, Grade 5A

Eiseb lunch time

The children of Eiseb Primary School Hostel enjoying their lunch.

In February 2017, Roger and Linda returned to the Eiseb Primary School Hostel where they witnessed the kitchen and dining area in use. Roger commented, "it was very emotional for us to see this project in action, with well over 300 children seated at tables eating a nutritious meal that had been cooked in the kitchen in hygienic conditions".

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The construction of flush toilets and the conversion of a storeroom into a dormitory at Omuhaturua Primary School Hostel, Otjimanangombe

It was with smiles of delight that the learners at the Omuhaturua Primary School Hostel witnessed the Catherine Bullen Foundation handover the project at the Hostel in April 2018. Construction started in the latter part of 2017 and consists of two blocks of flush toilets, one for the boys and the other for the girls in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No 6 on sanitation. In addition to this, because of the increase in the number of children in the hostel which had resulted in overcrowding, the Foundation converted a large storeroom into another dormitory which alleviated the situation. Finally, the Foundation donated 130 mattresses to ensure that the children in the hostel are comfortable and get a good nights sleep.


The new dormitory with boys flush toilets to the left and the girls to the right


The boys in their new dormitory

Omuhaturua Hostel girls dormitory

The girls in their part of the new dormitory

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The provision of a borehole for Donkerbos Primary School and Hostel

In 2018, during our visit to Eiseb Primary School and Hostel, the headmaster asked if we would consider providing a borehole for the School as they were having problems using the nearby community borehole. After agreement with the trustees it was decided to proceed with this and the fundraising began. In 2019 when we returned to Namibia, we started to research deeper into drilling a borehole and heard horror stories of dry boreholes and the subsequent financial implications. However, having committed the Foundation to the project and it was decided to stick with it. Meanwhile, fundraising had been successful with our German partner Suni.E.v donating a third of the cost and the friends of John Friend making a substantial donation. John Friend had died suddenly from a heart attack at Seserim during a trip to Namibia and his friends looked for a project to commemorate him by, and our project fitted the bill. So with the funding in place we met in March 2020 with the driller, Mr Booysen who was confident he would find water.

Then Covid-19 hit, and the project was put on hold until this year. All through the two years it was delayed we had this nagging thought on whether we would find water. However, events had overtaken us, two weeks into our visit this time, we discovered on social media that the government were drilling two boreholes at Eiseb, obviously, ours was no longer required. On Tuesday 22 March 2022, the Governor, Mr Pijoo Nganate rang us and confirmed this was the case, but he had an alternative plan. He told us about Donkerbos Primary School and Hostel which was two hours drive away from Otjimanangombe in a south easterly direction towards the Botswana border. It had no water supply and the nearest borehole was 6 kms away with the children collecting water on a rota basis. They were rationed to two glasses of water a day and they bathed in rain water in a plastic tub. Currently there were about 30 children from the school isolating in Gobabis Hospital with scabies.

We agreed to meet the Governor at the school in two days time. So on the following Thursday we set off with Nelson from the clinic as our guide. The last part of our drive which took about 20 mins was on a track that had been bulldozed through the bush. It was all sand with roots sticking out and we followed the tracks of the previous vehicles.

As we came over the top of a hill we saw the school and hostel in front of us surrounded by the bush. First impressions were that it was clean and tidy with well kept grounds. On the arrival of the governor, who was accompanied by a NBC tv camera crew, we were shown around the school and hostel. We were shown the toilets and showers that were built about five years ago by the Namibian German Special Initiative programme, but could not be used as there was no water supply. We also saw the tanks that stored the rainwater from the hostel roofs for the children to wash in. After inspecting the buildings we were treated to a programme of singing and dancing followed by lunch, at which of course I made a speech where I confirmed that the Foundation would provide a borehole for them after what we had seen.

Events then moved on at a pace. Arrangements were made by the Governor to enlist a government hydrologist to site the boreholes and on Monday 4 April we returned to the school with Mr Booysen, the driller. The hydrologist whose name was Rudolf checked his co-ordinates and commenced to site the boreholes with his instruments. He was accompanied by four San men from the community eager to see what was happening and to show off their expertise with the metal rod. Two sites were identified, one by the road near the school and the other 450 metres into the bush and these were both confirmed by the San with their traditional methods.
Mr Booysen agreed that he would start drilling on the following Thursday and while he was drilling near the school, the community would clear the bush around the second site. We were told that the school children were so excited when the drilling rig arrived. On Saturday 9 April, we learned that the borehole had reached a depth of 219 metres producing 800 litres of water per hour, so it was a big relief all round. Although sufficient for the school needs it would have been better if it had been more. The following Monday, the drilling of the second borehole began and at the end of the day we got a call to say they had reached 160 metres and it was still dry. The next day we had a message from the driller saying that they had drilled to 255 metres producing a yield of 15,000 litres per hour which was a fantastic result. The driller was very pleased and advised that it was the best result he had ever had in the area. This was a huge relief for us as it was always in the back of our minds that the boreholes could be dry.

On Tuesday 26 April, we returned to Donkerbos to celebrate the finding of water and late Independence Day celebrations with the Governor. We visited the borehole which was down a rough track to where the contractors were erecting the solar panels. A generator was attached to the pump and after a few minutes, clear water came out of the pipe, much to the excitement of the children. We all were invited to taste the water which was not at all salty. The solar panels and pipework should be installed by the end of that week.

Donkerbus borehole Donkerbus borehole

Left: Measuring the flow of water. Right: Roger with local councillors and some very excited children sampling the water

It was hard to describe our feelings knowing that we had brought water to this school and community when before that had none and changed their lives forever. Also, that we had seen this project through from start to finish within the timescale of a month.

This was not the end of the project, as work had to be carried out on the toilets and showers that had been provided in 2016 by the German Programme to function. Also the fencing of the borehole was finally completed at the end of 2023.

Donkerbus solar panels

Solar panels and pump protected by a security fence

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The conversion of a borehole to solar at Omuhaturua Primary School

When the Foundation visited in March 2022, it were advised that the community wanted to impose charges on the school and clinic to pay for the labour involved in pumping water from the borehole which consisted of fuelling and monitoring the diesel engine. The school was reluctant to pay these charges and the Ministry of Health refused to do so.

Steve Kavari, the then school principal decided the solution was to replace the diesel engine and old pump with solar panels and the appropriate pump. Not only did this save money on diesel fuel for both the clinic and the school but it enhanced its green credentials. The Catherine Bullen Foundation was approached for funding and it provided seventy per cent of the money with the school providing the other thirty per cent. Part of the Foundation funding came from ATI, a Windhoek based travel company which collects donations from its customers and they felt this was a worthy cause to support.

Donkerbus pupils admire solar panels

Some of the senior school pupils admiring the conversion to solar

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The provision of a 4x4 ambulance for Otjimanangombie Primary Healthcare Clinic

In 2008, the Foundation donated a state of the art ambulance to the Omaheke Regional Ministry of Health and this was based at Epukiro Clinic some 60 kms from Otjimanangombe. Now twelve years later it was coming to the end of its operational life, not being helped by being in collision with a cow. So in 2020, with a critical shortage of 'proper' ambulances in the region, the Foundation decided to provide another ambulance to be based this time at the recently extended Otjimanangombe Primary Healthcare Clinic. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, this was put on hold until 2022 when the order for an ambulance was placed with Toyota to be handed over to the Ministry of Health on 25 October 2022.

We had already been advised that the Minister of Health, Mr Shangula would be attending to accept the ambulance which was a great honour for the village. Also planned was a tidy up of the clinic grounds and its surroundings which included the Foundation providing a new clinic sign. We attended two committee meetings before our time at the clinic was up and we left for Oshivelo on Friday 14 October, leaving everyone to it. We were able to keep in touch through a whatsapp group that had been set up by the committee to keep everybody informed.

On Friday 21 October, Toyota from Windhoek delivered the ambulance to Gobabis and it was met by the driver and Sister Tomas and driven to Otjimanangombe where it was placed out of sight behind the clinic.

On the following Monday we left Oshivelo to return to Otjimanangombe for the handover, a drive of just under seven hours. During the day, the marquees were erected and the final tidying up at the clinic was happening when we arrived. Unfortunately, during the evening, a strong wind blew through the village taking down the marquees. As darkness fell plans were made for an early start in the morning to put them up again.

So the next day, Tuesday 25 October, we were ready for the handover. Two of the marquees were re-erected and chairs and tables were brought over from the school. At around 09.30, the Minister of Health, the Governor and constituency councillor arrived. The proceedings started on time, and each speaker praised us and the Foundation. Linda read out a speech from Charles Moore, the British High Commissioner, which was well received, and both the Governor and Minister made good speeches. Then it was my turn to handover the ambulance to the Minister which was greeted by lots of excitement. He got into the drivers seat and sounded the siren much to the delight of the audience. After the closing speeches, there was a tree planting ceremony with trees supplied by the Ministry of Forestry. A number of trees were planted in the clinic and hostel grounds, with Linda planting one of the trees. Later, we sat down to eat pasta, chicken and meat. Afterwards we said goodbye to our guests and reflected on what a remarkable day it had been.'

Ambulance Ambulance

Left: the ambulance in place for the handover   Right: after the handover, Linda, the Minister and Roger

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The multi-purpose hall for Omuhaturua Primary School and Hostel, Otjimanangombe

This has been the only one of our projects that has seriously been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This forced original contractor to leave the project with only a minimal amount of work having been done. In our quest to find another builder, we met with Fortitude who we appointed as our project managers. They in turn suggested a builder who they had worked with before and were currently building a school hall at a school about an hour away from Otjimanangombe. The completion of this hall coincided with the start date of our project, so the builder, Afrideca, were able to move their men and equipment to us, saving money as they were nearby. Work started in early September 2022, and by the time we arrived on 18 September, they were well on the way to completing the Foundations. However, the Otjimanangombe rocks were causing a problem, and a large compressor was brought in to power the pneumatic drill. Once this problem had been overcome, work moved at a pace, and the hall was completed on 12 November, two weeks ahead of schedule.

Omuhaturua new hall Omuhaturua new hall

Left: Exterior view, first coat of paint applied     Right Interior view

The hall was handed over by the Foundation on Tuesday 7 March 2023. Amongst those in attendance were the Director of Education for the Omaheke Region, Ms Wantenaar, the Inspector of Education, Mr Kavari, Constituency Councillors Mr Paki Pakarae and Mr Wenzel Kavaka, Mr Pecka Semba from the Regional Council, traditional leaders and Principals from neighbouring schools. The proceedings started at 09.45 with speeches and performances from the school choir and San dancers. We and the Foundation were praised for what we had achieved, especially the speech by Pecka Semba which was quite emotional. Linda read out a speech from the British High Commissioner who was unable to attend and the final speech was made by Mrs Sylvia Kavari, the acting Principal.

First meal in new hall

The day after the opening 230 pupils who stay at the hostel enjoyed their first meal in the new hall.

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School Uniforms for Eiseb Primary School

During the Foundations last visit in February 2023, it discovered that around 140 San children had no uniforms as their parents could not afford them. Therefore after seeking quotations the Foundation provided the uniforms together with jumpers to protect them during winter.

New uniforms

Some of the San children in their uniforms.

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The provision of 120 mattresses for Donkerbos Primary School Hostel

During the Foundation's visit in October 2023 to the hostel dormitories it was shown the state of the mattresses which were very worn and therefore the Foundation agreed to replace all of them. An order was placed and the mattresses were delivered in February 2024.

New mattresses

One of the pupils enjoying the comfort of the new mattresses

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Irrigation System for Eiseb Primary School and Hostel

Irrigation system

The photo on the left shows a large school garden with an irrigation system funded by the Foundation in 2024. Planting will start soon and it will provide produce for a food programme for those who are undernourished and vegetables for the Hostel kitchen.

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School Uniforms for Donkerbos Primary School and Hostel

The majority of children at the school come from the San bushman communities and their families are unable to afford school uniforms. Therefore, the Foundation has agreed to provide school uniforms for those children that do not have them.

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Refurbishing an ambulance for the Catherine Bullen Primary Healthcare Clinic

During the Foundation's last visit to the clinic, it was discovered that the main issue was the lack of transport to get patients to the hospital. When the clinic was opened in 2014, it was allocated a proper ambulance which was stationed there for several years. Unfortunately, due to the lack of maintenance of vehicles in the district, the ambulance was moved to where it was needed the most. The only transport available at the clinic this time was a Toyota Corolla saloon car with four seats for case referred to the hospital by the nurses. When the referrals totalled over this number, then a decision had to made who was to be given priority. An example of this was a young girl with a broken arm who had to wait a week until there was a space in the car to get her to hospital to get her arm put in plaster. If there was a serious case that required an ambulance, then one would be sent from Tsumeb.

At a meeting with the Regional Director of Health, the ambulance situation was discussed. It was proposed, that the Foundation would refurbish one of the ambulances awaiting repair at the District Hospital. However, we advised that we would only do this, if he could guarantee that the ambulance would be permanently based at Catherine's clinic. He gave us this assurance, so we are now waiting for quotations.


The Toyota Quantum ambulance awaiting refurbishment

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The Catherine Bullen Foundation
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